Apr 30, 2007

There's a new web community in Blogosphere

This is a sponsored post.

yesterday i was browsing the web for something to read and at the same time msning with my sister. she say since i m so bored, go and try and visit this new web community called HighFivez.com. so off i went and try out this new web community. it turns a out to be a blast.

HighFivez.com is a web community for finding and promoting the most interesting Blog Posts and Blog Authors in the Blogosphere. The most popular posts and blogs are promoted to the top of their respective lists. the members of this forums are called HighFiverz where they are able to share posts and blogs that they think will be enjoyed by other members of the community. this web is divided in to many categories such as politics, humors, televisions, spots, internet, blog resoursces and much much more. if you enjoying corresponding in a forum this is a great place for you to do so.

i just join this community and i already submitted my blog and here's the forum where we are discussing about the page rank. over here, you can also met a lot of bloogers from the blogosphere. so if you like to share or discuss about what's happening in the blogosphere, remember go and try out HighFivez.com.


Anonymous said...

I am going to take a look at it. Very nice post. It looks like it would help.

venusmaria said...

cade : ohh, thanks. it's a good web community. u can discuss anything over there.
