Dec 31, 2007

crazy weather

it has been raining for the past few days. goshh.. the weather has been crazy. at one time, it will rain hard then drizzle then later sun come out blazingly. then after 15 minutes, the sky started to get dark and rain pours again. and this go on and on and on for the past few days. BUT it was nice. i like rainy days, especially those at night. the more heavier the better. so, for the last few days, i got to enjoy those raining days and plus those holidays, with nowhere to go, i enjoyed snuggling under my comforter and watch and watch tv. hahahha... tat's very enjoying, i tell you.

but starting from yesterday, it is getting hotter and hotter. and the sun is shining so ever brightly. but it's nice to see the sun after a few days of rain.


Anonymous said...

Rain stinks this time of year!

Anonymous said...

Though I love rain but it becomes disgusting when i can't do anything for that.

Anonymous said...

. i like rainy days, especially those at night.

Anonymous said...

Though I love rain but it becomes disgusting sometimes.

Metallica Albums said...

bad weather is an awful thing(((
