Jun 16, 2007

daredevil dog..

was "msning" with my mum yesterday nite. and we were using the webcam as well. while we were busy chatting i could see my dog walking here, walking there non-stop. as if he was so busy dunno doing what. my mum told me he was looking for his "pit pit". hah, if you tell him "pit-pit" then he will be sooooo alert and start looking for his favourite toy all at once. look into the bathroom, the kitchen and on the coffee table. if he can't find it, then he will sit in front of my mum and look at her and whine..

this dog of mine is really really a hyperactive and playful dog. and he does not know what dangerous is. haha, i think most dogs dunno what does it means lar. anyway, my dad and mum went to the grocery shop and my dad decided to bring Bobby along. he drove his old suzuki jeep which has no cover at the back one. so the Bobby sat at the back and was enjoying his trip out. then when my mum and dad reached home, they look at the back and THEY COULDN'T SEE BOBBY!!!! duuhhhhh, my mum got panicked and quickly got down and called for him. and guess what my mum saw? cissshh, the stupid dog was busy sniffing here, sniffing there, pee, poo at the other end of the road. he JUMPED off the car while my dad was driving and he acted as he done nothing wrong. "__" luckily my dad was driving at a real slow speed at that time. imagine him jumping off the car...

anyway, here's a print screen i capture yesterday nite while i was "msning" with my mum. Bobby wans to be a busybody and he wans to webcam with me as well., LOL!!!


LHS said...

your dog really cute!

jazzmint said...

haha wah he knows that's u eh :P

Anonymous said...

hahaha sound like my dog....
